The New Zealand Academy of Highland and National Dancing

Starting on the Right Foot Activity Book

Starting on the Right Foot Activity Book


In 2008 the Academy, in collaboration with renowned musical educator Julie Wylie, released the Starting on the Right Foot music recording with 20 highland and national dancing inspired music tracks for young children. The aim of the programme was to give our teachers a resource to enable them to introduce pre-school children to the experience of dance, movement and music with a focus on enjoyment.
The Academy is now extremely delighted to be launching another new re-source—our Starting on the Right Foot Activity Book. Each page of the activity book links to one of the music tracks from that 2008 recording and there are also 20 customised stickers that can be used as rewards for successful lessons, dance practice completed activity pages or just for fun. There is also a cut out teddy bear with Highland Dancing costumes which also links nicely to the Getting Started in Dance programme where our young dancers are awarded a teddy bear and a badge.
The book has been designed and produced by Katrina Greenslade, a Christchurch based graphic designer and dancing parent, and we are most grateful for her passion, creativity and generosity which has enabled us to turn this idea into a reality with an exceptionally professional finish.
In addition, the Starting on the Right Foot music is now freely available on Spotify courtesy of Julie Wylie and the Academy also thanks her for her gener-ous support.


Starting on the Right Foot Activity Book $20.00 add to cart

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