Oamaru Judges seminar
There will be a judges seminar, open to new and current judges on sunday 27th May at the Scottish Hall, Tyne Street, Oamaru at 10.a.m. Cost is $20
Any queries or to register please contact Jacqui McLay ljmclay@xtra.co.nz
Virginia day 13
Today was our last performance at the Tattoo. Although we are sad to be ending this amazing experience, we are all happy to be going back home.
It has been an amazing day, starting with a sleep in and walk along the beach, then our final performance at 2:30, ending the day with a team dinner and award ceremony!
Our final performance went by extremely fast, then it was time to say goodbye and leave the arena for the last time. We are all sad to say goodbye to the many new friends we have made from varying nationalities (such as korea, Italy, America.....) who we have shared this amazing opportunity with.
Now all that’s left is for us to pack our bag and prepare for the long journey home!
Over & out!!
Eirinn MacLean & Taylor Allen
Virginia Tattoo day 12
It was Mhairi Mclarin’s birthday today! We had an early wakening for our 3rd and final morning show to the school kids. Each time we perform together our dances improve. This was a great show and we had lots of loud applauses and cheering! The children got really involved and turned their phone flashlights on during our Here’s to the Heroes performance. This was really enjoyable to see the students having a good time and getting involved. The second group of dancers headed to Little Creek Elementary school for our second school showcase. The kids loved our performances. We performed blood on the loch, rhythm and blue, Seann tribuhas, reel ‘O’ Tulloch and the fling. It was super cool to interact with them and we saw many future highland dancing stars in the crowd! Our second Hullabaloo and evening show were successful. It’s fun to meet and greet with lots of different people and it feels like we’re super famous by all the autographs and photos we have been asked for!! We ended the night with Mhari’s delicious birthday cake! We are all shattered but we get a sleep in on Saturday morning meaning we will be extremely refreshed and roaring ready for our second to last show! We also need energy for just a wee bit of shopping! 😉
Bella Rose and Evelyn Clarke
It was Mhairi Mclarin’s birthday today! We had an early wakening for our 3rd and final morning show to the school kids. Each time we perform together our dances improve. This was a great show and we had lots of loud applauses and cheering! The children got really involved and turned their phone flashlights on during our Here’s to the Heroes performance. This was really enjoyable to see the students having a good time and getting involved. The second group of dancers headed to Little Creek Elementary school for our second school showcase. The kids loved our performances. We performed blood on the loch, rhythm and blue, Seann tribuhas, reel ‘O’ Tulloch and the fling. It was super cool to interact with them and we saw many future highland dancing stars in the crowd! Our second Hullabaloo and evening show were successful. It’s fun to meet and greet with lots of different people and it feels like we’re super famous by all the autographs and photos we have been asked for!! We ended the night with Mhari’s delicious birthday cake! We are all shattered but we get a sleep in on Saturday morning meaning we will be extremely refreshed and roaring ready for our second to last show! We also need energy for just a wee bit of shopping! 😉
Bella Rose and Evelyn Clarke
Virginia day 13
This morning we all got a well deserved sleep in prior to the second to last show. With plenty of free time before meeting at either 11:30 or 12:30, we got time to stroll along Virginia beach, study exam theory, pack up our suitcases and some even decided to brave it in the sea! However, those meeting at 11:30 jumped into vans and had a quick last shop in an outlet mall which has been well visited by all of us kiwis!
At 12:30 a van filled with those who felt they’d done enough shopping, were picked up by Duffy and treated to a box of goodies from a bakery which donates funds to mentally handicapped people. After a short trip back to the scope arena, we split up to collect some lunch before meeting with the shoppers at 2.
Once we had collected lunch and returned to the scope arena, the team got ready to perform the hullaballoo sequence for those watching the pipe band competition. The audience loved our flash mob finale!!! We all relaxed for a bit and then performed in the afternoon Hullabaloo. After another short break to grab some dinner, the team returned to get ready for tonight’s performance. The audience was highly energised in this full house performance, and we all had a great time performing our dances in front of this crowd. Time to be off to bed for another busy day tomorrow!
Thanks for reading,
Hannah Robinson and Brooke Kingsbury
Virginia tattoo day 11
Today was another early start at 6:30am for our 2nd morning show for more school kids, this was just the start of a very long day ahead. We had a bit of free time for shopping of course but headed back quickly for a performance by the dance company at a local church. We performed rhythm & blue and blood on the loch which everyone throughly enjoyed. This was also the place of the Highland Dance Company Of NZ’s 2nd ever meeting which is conveniently held every 4 Years in Virginia. Then straight afterwards we all danced at the hullabaloo festival outside the scope arena, this was a taster of the acts in the tattoo. The dances we performed included rhythm & blue, wintry Sunday reel, blood on the loch and our flash mob which were all hits with the crowds. Shortly after this we had yet another quick change before the opening night of the Tattoo in front of a full house. Being the most important night of the Tattoo the pressure was on to put on the perfect performance. Everyone exceeded expectations and the entire show was spectacular. Energy levels were high and we all celebrated by dancing amongst some of the other international performers who we have now made friends with. Hopefully the video from tonight is the one you will all see at home, but for now we are off to bed for another full on day tomorrow.
Over and out
Britney Moore & Imogen Grayson
Virginia tattoo day 10
This morning we woke up bright and early to get ready for the day. We jumped into the vans at half past 8 to travel to the Scope Arena to perform our first show. The arena was filled with around 6000 school kids. We performed our ‘Here’s to the hero’s’ item and our ‘Swing of the kilts’ item. Shortly after, we walked around the arena to the back of the stage where we had to march on with all the other performers to our finale where we stand still smiling for 16 minutes. There was a big ‘thud’ as the conductor slipped off his block after one of the songs, which gave us a bit of a fright. After all our performing half of the group took off to a school to perform the ‘Rhythm in blue’ dance and a few others, while the rest of us relaxed our legs. When they came back about 6 of us went to the Nauticus Naval Museum which has a big ship. All us others went to a mall and most of us came back with a few shopping bags in our hands. At 5 o’clock we hopped in the vans that took us to dinner at Baxter’s where we are dinner. We were so tired when we got home so we all went to our rooms and got ready for bed.
Ariana & Mhairi
Virginia dancers visit local hospital
Today four of our dancers visited the CHKD - Children’s Hospital of the King’s Daughters. The hospital passed along their thanks and said patients and their families were raving about the performance, especially since it was streamed in every quarantined room as well. You all brightened their day,
Virginia Tattoo day 9
This morning, a group of dancers performed at CHKD (a children's hospital). It was a huge success, with Leighton's sword dance being one of the favourite performances. While these dancers were hard at work, the rest of us got a much appreciated sleep in with some of us getting the chance to do more washing.
Around mid day we met up for a practise at the nice dance studio across from Scope, before heading to Scope Arena for final touch ups and a dress rehearsal performance. The dances are coming together nicely and we finally got to wear our new costumes, which look beautiful. After a long day of dancing sleep is in need, as we have an early start tomorrow.
Leah & Emma