COVID 19 Vaccination message
Piping & Dancing Association of New Zealand and the NZ Academy of Highland & National Dancing urge all eligible people to get their COVID19 vaccination
Conference - Queenstown 2021 - Cancelled
Dear Members
Executive met last evening to discuss all aspects of our planned conference in Queenstown. This year we are again in a challenging position in that not all of the country are in the same Covid level and the changes to the Level 2 Delta has put enormous pressure on the Academy.
We have therefore used our Pandemic Policy to assist with our decision and in particular the Risk Mitigation Section which clearly defines several factors which has enabled us to make a decision. (See member's area for a copy of the NZAHND Pandemic Policy.
Executive have decided that the Solo Seal examination will be postponed until early March next year, and it is proposed to hold this in Christchurch. It was important that all candidates be treated equally and given the same opportunities to prepare for this prestigious examination. This could not happen when we are in two different levels of the Covid Pandemic. We also have no knowledge of how long these levels are likely to last.
We considered holding the Annual General Meeting with the allowable numbers of 50 and also offer a virtual opportunity to attend. Executive evaluated the cost of this and have made the responsible decision to hold this year’s Annual General Meeting entirely via Zoom. The conditions for this will be sent as soon as they are finalised.
It is also our hope that we can offer some of the proposed Dance Development course to members virtually and again details of this are yet to be finalised. This would be provided at no cost to members as a goodwill gesture.
Executive are very aware that a number of members were to receive their Diplomas and or Service Bars, some held over from last year, and we will provide more details at a later date of some thoughts we have about presenting these.
It is our hope, and we ask a lot, that again Queenstown is our first choice for the 2022 conference. Hopefully third time lucky. The Southland Committee have worked tirelessly towards planning to host us for the last two years and Executive would like to ask them to consider our request.
As you know making decisions such as these is huge and not easy on anyone involved and relaying them to you all is even harder. This has been challenging for everyone involved and on behalf of Executive I thank you most sincerely for your understanding
Members registered for conference were notified of the cancellation by email on Thursday 09 September
Annetta Cowie
Summer Fling 2022
Summer Fling 2022 schedule
The closing date for entries for Summer Fling has been extended to 12 November. The Balmoral Club ask that you please get your entries in as soon as possible as planning for this event is more difficult than it usually is due to the uncertainty caused by Covid-19.
There are a range of possible scenarios that we may be faced with but the plan is difficult to establish without knowing how many dancers are entered. Once entries have closed and the plan for managing the event at different possible alert levels has been done, this will be communicated.
Please note that it is highly likely that vaccination certificates will be required for all those attending Summer Fling who are eligible for vaccination.
As with all our dancing events, refunds will be given should there be a need to cancel Summer Fling but we are hopeful that this will not happen and we look forward to seeing you all in January.
See downloads for scheduleEntry link
September exams
Executive have made the decision to cancel September exams and are offering conditional passes for all practical examinations and assessments. An email has been sent to all members and all teachers that had candidates entered in the September exams. If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact the Academy secretary:
Summer Fling 2021
The 2021 Summer Fling was held in January with tutors Mrs Lynette Mitchell, Mrs Karen Mortensen and Mrs Mandy Gillies
Scholarship Winners were:
Initial - Ellie Pyle
Preparatory - Kit Inglis
Grade One - Sarah McCarthy
Grade Two - Jessica Radka
Grade Three - Connor Overton
Grade Four - Charlize Blakely
Grade Five - Gemma Lewis
Elementary - Francesca Hickey
Intermediate - Olivia Mavor
Advanced - Jasmine Overton
Katie McDonald Memorial Scholarship - Alex Glover
Emily Branje Memorial Scholarship - Abby Millar
Gail Dodson Scholarship - Annabel Watts
Tauranga Summer School - January 2021
The 2021 Summer School was held in January with tutors: Mrs Sue Gill and and Miss Nadine Terry.
2021 Scholarship winners were:
Under 9 - Madeline Hansen
Under 10 - Mary Hunt
Under 12 - Grace Braun
14 & under - Willow Price
14 & Over - Ellie McLaughlin
Local - Charlise Colle and Yi Chan
Solo Seal congratulations
The Executive Council would like to congratulate Angus Hendry on successfully attaining the Solo Seal Examination recently held in Christchurch.
Southland Exam workshop
Information for the Southland Exam workshop to be held in Invercargill 10/11 April 2021, with Mrs Lynette Mitchell as tutor.
See Downloads for information and enrolment form