The New Zealand Academy of Highland and National Dancing

Summer Schools 2011 - 19th Oct 2010

The dates for 2011 Summer Schools are as follows:
Auckland - 8th - 11 January 2011 - If you would like a scheducle please contact Johanna Lees -
Christchurch Summer Fling  - 20th - 23rd January 2011 - See downloads page for copy of schedule

Technical committee hard at work - 12th Oct 2010

Technical committee hard at work The Technical Committee met in Oamaru prior to Conference to finalise the Dance Development Course
See the Gallery for more photos of the workshop participants

Conference 2010 - 7th Oct 2010

See Conference Report for 2010 under the heading Conference.  It was an excellent weekend and our sincere thanks go to the North Otago Teachers and Judges for a job well done.

Thoughts are with our Christchurch Members - 24th Sep 2010

During the last few weeks our members in the Canterbury region have suffered significant stress due to the earthquakes which are ongoing.  This is a difficult time and no one can know what each person is experiencing unless they have gone through similar experiences themselves.  Executive has been in touch with our members in the region and offering support where we can.  One area we have been able to assist is to change the examination time for some of the candidates and this has been appreciated by not only the candidates, but their teachers as well. 

Big Southern Freeze - 24th Sep 2010

Our thoughts are also with our members from the southern region where they have been experiencing significant storms over the last week.  Some of our members are from the farming community and the losses experienced are described as the worst ever. 

Judges Seminar - 22nd Jul 2010

The Manawatu Highland & National Dancing Teachers & Judges Assn is holding a Judges Seminar on Sunday August 22nd in Palmerston North – Tutor Mrs Sherilyn Hall.

If you would further information please contact the Secretary: Shelley Reid – email:

Highland Dancing Cocktail Party - 2nd Jun 2010

Invitations to a cocktail party for teachers have been posted to all Academy members with pupils entered for the NZ Championships in Blenheim. If you are attending the Championships (whether you have pupils dancing or not) and have not received an invitation by post, we would love you to join us - see invitation below.

Highland Dancing Cocktail Party Invitation

Kiltie Club Magazine - 1st Jun 2010

 Anna Millar and Kim Burnside are in the process of organising a special edition Kiltie Club for the NZ Championships.

We are hoping you can help us by providing the following contributions for the magazine:
1. Pictures of dancers and their friends.
2. A junior dancer who has just recently sat their first medal test (along with a photo), that we can profile in the magazine.
3. Quotes from dancers who are going to the NZ Championships and what they are looking forward to most.
4. Anyone willing to create a dancing themed wordfind/crossword.
5. Anything else - dancing related.
We would really appreciate it if you can provide anything for the magazine by 8 June. Please email the information to If you can recommend anyone for the above contributions, please let us know their contact phone number or email and we can contact them directly.
If you are a teacher and would like a previous copy of the Kiltie Club Magazine to show your pupils, then please let us know. Membership numbers are low and we really need help from teachers in trying to increase the numbers.

The New Zealand Academy of Highland and National Dancing Inc., PO Box 5470, Palmerston North
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