The New Zealand Academy of Highland and National Dancing


MERCHANDISE AVAILABLE AT CONFERENCE For members attending conference there is a 10% discount off all books, cds/ merchandise etc.
An order form will be included in your conference folder,  or you can pre order using the order form from the Dowloads section and pick up at conference.


Red Resistance/stretch bands - medium resistance   $12 each. These are great for stretching feet, calf muscles, hamstrings etc.

Marker Spots
We have a limited number of sets of marker spots still available. Cost $25.00

Journey of the Celts - concert details - 4th Aug 2013

Journey of the Celts - concert details The concerts are being held in Blenheim on 29 August at the Marlborough Civic Theatre at 7 pm. and in Christchurch on 31 August at The Grange Theatre, Middleton Grange School at 2 p.m. and 7 pm

Tickets are available from www. or 0800 224 224

Sailors Stage 2 Theory - 11th Jul 2013

Teachers, can you please advise your candidates sitting Sailors Stage 2 that the History of the Dance and Dress theory form part of the Theory requirements for this examination. In some combined syllabuses these pages were ommitted from the theory section of the book but are at the front of the Stage 2 section.

Youth Representative nominations - 4th Jul 2013

As no nominations were received by the closing date the Executive has extended the closing date for nominations until 17 July.

Nomination forms are available on the website (Downloads) and are to be sent to the  Secretary,NZAHND, Box 5470 Palmerston North.

Nominations  received after 5 p.m. on Wednesday 17th July will not be accepted.

Reminder - closing dates - 12th Jun 2013

Reminder that September exam entries close 30 June

Subscriptions, nominations for North & South Island Representatives, Youth Representative and General Business for Conference  also close 30 June

Virginia tattoo 2014 - 12th Jun 2013

Reminder to Regional Group dancers that expressions of Interest in participating in the 2014 Virginia Tattoo close on 30 June - Applications to the Academy Secretary, Box 5470, Palmerston North or email

Highland Dance Company of NZ - "Journey of the Celts" Concert Tour - 6th Jun 2013

Journey of the Celts production will showcase the Highland Dance Company of NZ and will tell the story of the journey of the Scots to New Zealand and the preservation and growth of their cultural heritage.

The dance pieces will reflect the blend of many New Zealanders ancestry - Celts to Aoteoroa.

Local dancers in each area are invited to apply to be involved in the performance in their area. See Downloads for the application form. Applications close 29 June 2013.

The show dates are Blenheim, Floorpride theatre, Thursday 29th August at 7 p.m. and Christchurch, The Grange Theatre, Saturday 31st August at 2 p.m. and 7 pm. Ticket prices are Adults $25, children under 14 $15 - tickets available from Ticketdirect  outlets or online or 08004tickets after 14 June 2013

Congratulations to Helen McKay on her Queens Service Medal - 5th Jun 2013

Congratulations to member Helen Mckay from Tuatapere after she was awarded the Queen's Service Medal in the recent Queens Birthday Honours List.

Helen's services include 55 years of teaching Highland Dancing in Tuatapere and surrounding districts.  She organises dancing displays for community events and holds annual Highland Dancing competitions in the town.

She is involved with the Waimatuku Pipe Band's annual fundraising concert in Invercargill and was chairman of the Tuatapere Resource Centre committee.

She is also a member of the Western Southland Integrated Rural Development Committee and assisted in establishing a Tuatapere Information Centre and the Bushman's museum.

She has been a Hump Ridge track volunteer since 1985 and has been involved in organising and volunteering at numerous community events.

Congratulations from the Executive and Members of the NZ Academy of Highland & National Dancing (Inc)

The New Zealand Academy of Highland and National Dancing Inc., PO Box 5470, Palmerston North
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