The New Zealand Academy of Highland and National Dancing

Annual General meeting minutes and reports - 21st Nov 2011

The 2011 Annual General meeting minutes and reports are available as a download from the download section

Youth Forum Posters - 16th Nov 2011

At the recent Youth Forum, they were asked to design posters to give to schools to encourage children to learn Highland - See the Gallery for their great colourful posters

Presentation of awards - Hawkes Bay - 8th Nov 2011

Presentation of awards - Hawkes Bay The HB T&J organised a special xmas dinner and invited Dorothy Wilson and Robyn Laughton and we presented them with their badges and certificates. They were both very honoured to received them. It had been Dorothy's 80th birthday earlier in the week and another member, Margaret Brougham just told her she was taking her out for dinner for her birthday so it was a big surprise when she arrived and we were all there. Nola Bernstone also attended so some great reminishing.
She had just thought that her badge would arrive in the mail sometime - so she was delighted.

2012 Academy Dance Group New applications - 8th Nov 2011

Please see downloads for the 2012 Dance group new application DVD audition requirements.

2012 Academy Dance Group re application - 8th Nov 2011

Please see downloads for the 2012  Academy Dance Group Re application forms

Irish Step Dance Syllabus Restructure - 27th Oct 2011

See Downloads for the revised Irish Step Dance Syllabus Restructure.

The new Stage 3 will be published when the Syllabus is introduced at Conference in September 2012.

For candidates who have sat the old Irish Stage 1 have a transition period until 2015 to sit the old Irish Stage 2 syllabus.

World Highland Dancing Conference October 2011 - 27th Oct 2011

World Highland Dancing Conference October 2011 Cushla Piesse and I attended this Conference in Las Vegas recently. While there Cushla assisted me in conducting four Workshops on the Academy Irish and Sailors Step dances. There was very good attendance and interest in all our sessions.

The Academy Sailors Hornpipe is always a winner and it was great to see so many take to the floor to try out some of the Academy‘s more “interesting” steps not danced competitively elsewhere in the world.

The Irish dances created great interest too with the variety of movements and step construction options creating good discussion and much hilarity on the floor when learning some of our Academy syllabus movements.

The variety of Workshop options offered to those attending made making a choice of what to attend at times difficult! However between us we got to attend some excellent topics and hear accomplished presenters.

It was wonderful to be welcomed so warmly and to meet up with some attendees we had met on previous occasions.

We were also fortunate to go to some great shows while in Vegas!

The next Conference is planned for Johannesberg SA in 2013.

Thank you Cushla for your assistance in demonstrating and company in Vegas - it was fun

Sherilyn Hall

See the gallery for photos from the conference

Auckland Exam candidates - 16th Oct 2011

Auckland Exam candidates 'Three Silver Medal Test candidates from Auckland area with examiner Cushla Piesse'
Heather Ineson, Monica Ineson, Sian Dillon - pupils of Johanna Lees

The New Zealand Academy of Highland and National Dancing Inc., PO Box 5470, Palmerston North
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